PAGE IN PROGRESS What you see here is a page of my hypertext book POWER of meanings // MEANINGS of power. Initially empty, this page will slowly be filled with thoughts, notes, and quotes. One day, I will use them to write a coherent entry, similar to these completed pages. Thank you for your interest and patience!
Luxury trap, Harari Karl Marx
having doing being 1) Having: There is only one apple on the table. If we both want it, but I get it, I have the power in this scenario. 2) Doing: If I want to do A and you want to do B, by making sure that we do B you assert your power in this situation. 3) Being: In each little corner of the universe, things can exist only in one specific way (imagining other ways requires bringing in the concept of multiple universes). If I shape the way things are, even if this seems as mundane as choosing to put a table in one room of my house as opposed to another room, I exercise my power.
example: serge gainsbourg song: people put aside their forks when they heard the song: example if power as influence via limited resource, and if you never heard that song before you may now be prompted to open Google and read more out it. Listen to it. Another example of limited resources, and if a song plays in your head, it’s another kind of influence, another limited resource