PAGE IN PROGRESS What you see here is a page of my hypertext book POWER of meanings // MEANINGS of power. Initially empty, this page will slowly be filled with thoughts, notes, and quotes. One day, I will use them to write a coherent entry, similar to these completed pages. Thank you for your interest and patience!
chaos theory butterfly effect
ons can say that some people have more influence-that’s the ones we remember. These are the lucky ones with more power as compared to all those whose names are forever forgotten. But the question is how lucky it is to be remembered. All those people whose names we remember (like Louis 14), would they be really happy to know how they are remembered? Yes, some venerate them but others mock them and hate them. Myths and misunderstandings are blooming the more well known a person is. Details of their lives that they would have preferred to remain secured are publicly discussed. It’s possible that if these people knew what it really means to be famous after one’s life is over, they would beg to be forgotten, to be left in peace.