PAGE IN PROGRESS What you see here is a page of my hypertext book POWER of meanings // MEANINGS of power. Initially empty, this page will slowly be filled with thoughts, notes, and quotes. One day, I will use them to write a coherent entry, similar to these completed pages. Thank you for your interest and patience!
Postmodern turn - skepticism (cynicism) about knowledge
debate between modern and postmodern view of knowledge Seeing the postmodernism claim that we cannot know the world as lazy and unhelpful seeing the modernist claim that we can know the world as presumptuous
i often say throughout the book that we cannot claim that we know some things for sure for example, in the combination of power and powerlessness, the ratio is unknowable for an individual I hope that my position will lead not to inaction or apathy (we cannot know for sure so who cares) but to alertness, humility, flexibility, curiosity and empathy we cannot know for sure but we can always keep learning and getting closer to understanding things better
construction of knowledge- role of oppression power of language that shapes how we speak about the world and how we know the world
Se cantar se > saber > know
Foucault: knowledge-power
They say, knowledge is power Word "can" and "knowledge" are actually related semantically and etymologically